Thursday, November 20, 2014


i know a little about photography i dont really do photo editing i dont really know how to edit a photo but i do like to take a lot of photos with my phone. to take a photo you have to press a button that you want to take a picture of. i dont really edit photos before i put them on the internet i just take the pic and add it on. there is a selection that will let you edit a photo like chance the size or chance the color of the photo. i dont really have any interest in photo editing i just take photos of things that i like.

Friday, November 14, 2014


1. A popular way to present data by distilling the words, data points, key concepts and illustrations that might be present in a report and creating a visual representation of the material. Infographics in form you and entertain you. You also need to have statistics so you can inform the reader of what you are trying to say. you also need to make the info graphics  interesting so readers would like to look at it.